Press Release: Bishop-Wisecarver Hosts 12th Annual Manufacturing Day Event to Highlight Innovative Career Opportunities for Students

Activities Include Plant Manufacturing Tours, Team Member Q&A and the 4th Annual Student Design

Pittsburg, Calif. – October 24, 2023 – Bishop-Wisecarver, a trusted industrial automation company offering proven mechatronic solutions that are expertly designed and delivered to perform, today announced that it will again host a National Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) event. This is the 12th consecutive year that Bishop-Wisecarver has participated, highlighting its commitment to help students understand the benefits and rewards of working in the innovative, high-tech, and diverse manufacturing industry.

Manufacturers in the United States need to fill 4 million jobs by 2030, according to a workforce study by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte. More than half of those jobs could be left unfilled because of two issues: a skills gap and misperceptions about modern manufacturing. MFG Day is designed to help address both of those concerns and fill those positions with the next generation of students.

“We have been so inspired by the thousands of students who have joined us for Manufacturing Day events, hearing how they want to make the world a better place, and knowing they leave our site with a better understanding of the multiple career paths that will help them do that in the manufacturing industry,” said Pamela Kan, President of Bishop-Wisecarver. “Many come in with pre-conceived notions that are quickly dispelled when they see the realities of the high-tech manufacturing industry. Through these events, we are helping to open a door that many students never even knew existed and help change their trajectories in an extremely positive way.”

Schedule of Events and Activities
Bishop-Wisecarver’s MFG Day event will include on-site manufacturing plant tours for close to 200 students and community members on Monday, Oct. 24, and Friday, Oct. 27. During these tours, students will hear from the Bishop-Wisecarver President, Pamela Kan, and they will have access to team members from all areas within the company to provide insight into “a day in the life of a manufacturing employee.” Students will also see demos of Bishop-Wisecarver linear and rotary motion products so they can envision their role in helping to create the type of products and solutions that can make a long-lasting difference in the world.

Student Design Contest
As part of the MFG Day activities, the fourth annual Wisecarver Innovation Award Student Design Contest will kick off on October 2 and the deadline for submissions is December 15, 2023. The contest provides real world experience in manufacturing and this year’s focus is on either designing an automated camera rig for the entertainment and movie industry or creating an automation process for factory shirt washing, drying, and folding. Participants will need to provide a 60-second video that includes an overview of their idea, what it does, how it helps them and any drawings, prototypes or concept designs that help provide additional explanation. The student winner receives $250 for themselves and $1000 for their school.

About Manufacturing Day
MFG Day, produced by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and The Manufacturing Institute, is an annual, national event that seeks to inspire the next generation of modern manufacturers. MFG Day is aligned with the “Creators Wanted” campaign which seeks to achieve three main goals by 2025: recruit 600,000 new manufacturing workers; increase the number of students enrolling in technical and vocational schools, or reskilling programs by 25%; and increase the positive perception of the manufacturing industry.
